Friday, April 13, 2012

Simplify Your Life Week Thirteen #syl12

Ok time to catch up on the Simplify Your Life challenge.  I apologise in advance for the bombardment of these posts as I catch up. I'm quite behind as I had a break from this during my blog break too.

This week's challenge is to check up on the goals that were made in week six

Goal: Clean and organise daily, even just ten minutes a day.

This is happening! Even on lazy days something gets done even if it's just the dishwasher being packed or a load being washed. It could be better but with a newborn and toddler our house will never be spotless every day. We don't really enjoy cleaning so would rather do more enjoyable things. 

Goal: Spend more time as a family actually doing stuff, not just sitting around doing nothing.

With the mister no longer working on weekends we are definitely doing this. Last week was a big week of that. Lufflump is talking more and we are all a lot more happier than we have been in a long time.

Goal: Be mindful daily.

This has changed lufflump more than I could have thought. He's talking and connecting more with us which is wonderful. I'm enjoying looking forward to the day and backward on what the day has been. Obviously with lufflump's changes this is very important and must be continued.

Goal: Eat well and exercise daily, even just for ten minutes a day.

I'm exercising more than ten minutes a day! Today, for example, I've exercised for an hour on Wii Fit Plus and have done additional exercises including knee push ups, squats and planks. I'm enjoying exercising and can already tell a different in my arms. Eating well is a bit of a struggle though but a good work in progress. I'm having shakes filled with goodness daily, having nuts as snacks, and drinking more water. The difference I'm feeling is more than worth it!

Goal: Spend more time reconnecting with and visiting friends.

I suck. I've been to lunch a few times with friends and seen a couple more but not every fortnight like I planned or would like. 

Goal: Delve further into Buddhism.

This goal hasn't been reached, not even slightly. This has been put on the back burn while I get fit and spend quality time with my family.

Goal: Budget, be firm, consistent and stick to it.

Budget, what is that?! We haven't set a budget but are more aware of our finances as the mister is no longer working two jobs. The mister rides to and from work so we save money on fuel and parking tickets. Eating healthy is a lot cheaper than eating junk so we are also saving money there. We are still living week by week but with two kids, minimum hours and forking out for a new sport it's understandable. It will get under control and we aren't stressing, that's important isn't it?

Goal: Build a small veggie garden.

We haven't yet done this. We want to though so this is still in the plans.
Happy family!
The goals I'm yet to reach are still reachable and I'm not crossing them off the list yet. The ones I have reached I will continue as they are worth it!



  1. Great Work Ames! like others told me, you can't expect to conquer them all at once, nor quickly at that, the steps you've taken have been the most important ones for you and your family and it's paid off. The rest will fall in to place as long as you are mindful of them. Well done!

  2. You are doing brilliantly.

    I had BIG plans for my 6 months off work. It is around the 4 month mark and I have accomplished nothing.

    Did you notice you posted the thirteenth week on friday the thirteenth? Freaky.

    1. Oh that is freaky!!!
      You still have time but doesn't time off work mean relaxing?!


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